Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 1/31/22

Year: 2022



Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Faculty of Law Review aims to contribute to Turkish law by bringing updated, well-analyzed and critical articles about Turkish law, EU law, international law and comparative law. The articles are published under two sub-sections: private law and public law.

Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Faculty of Law Review is mainly for Turkish academics, students, goverment officials and lawyers working in the area of law as well as for the individuals and organizations that are interested in information about Turkish law.

In addition to peer-reviewed articles and translations, the journal can also publish book reviews and judicial decision analysis. All articles sent to the Review are double peer reviewed. 

Article Writing Rules

Font and size: Articles should be written in “Microsoft Word” software. Body of the article should be formatted as Times New Roman 12 points, normal style; footnotes should be formatted as Times New Roman 10 points, normal style.

There should not be a single line space between paragraphs or before or after headings.
Texts submitted to our journal must be written in Latin letters.

Word or page limitation: Text of the articles submitted to the Journal, should not exceed 40 pages or 15.000 words.

Turkish and English titles: Articles submitted to the Journal should include a Turkish title (written in capital letters and as bold (bold) and center aligned), as well as an English title written in the same way. The English title should be placed after the Turkish abstract, above the English abstract (Abstract). Articles written in a language other than Turkish and English should also include Turkish and English titles.

Turkish and English abstracts and keywords: Articles submitted to the Journal should be accompanied by abstracts comprised of minimum 100 and maximum 200 words and five keywords. If the article is in Turkish; an abstract in English must also be supplemented in addition to an abstract in Turkish. When desired, the author will add an abstract in German or French in addition to an abstract in English.

If the article is not in Turkish; it must be accompanied by an abstract in this foreign language and an abstract in Turkish. If the article is in a foreign language except English, an abstract in English and in Turkish must also be supplemented.

“ÖZET”, “ABSTRACT”, “Anahtar Kelimeler” and “Key words” should be written in italics and bold (bold). Turkish and English abstract texts and key words should be written in italics.


Numbering of the titles in the text should be as follows:

First degree chapter title numbers are in capital with Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, V etc.);

Second-degree chapter title numbers are in capital letters (A, B, C, Ç, D, etc.) in the Turkish alphabet (Latin alphabet);

Third-degree chapter title numbers are in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.);

Fourth-degree chapter title numbers are in lowercase letters (a, b, c, ç, d etc.) in the Turkish alphabet (Latin alphabet);

Fifth-degree chapter title numbers are in Arabic numerals in parentheses [(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) et al.].

Numbering of the other titles are optional. The headings named “Conclusion” and “Introduction” should not be numbered. All headings should be written in bold (bold) and in 12 pt.

  • Citation rules and Bibliography: Citations for referred resources should be added as footnotes at the end of each page. There is no need for a list of abbreviations or a list of court decisions. If there are no rules in the citation style detailed below, OSCALA (The Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities) system should be followed.

• The resources cited should be indicated in the footnotes as follows:

  • Books:

    Name Surname, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year, Cited Page.
    Example: Rıza Ayhan, Ticarî İşletme Hukuku, 2nd Edition, Turhan Kitabevi, 2007, p. 89.

    • Repetitive citations should be shown as follows:
    Surname, Cited Page.
    Example: Ayhan, p. 89.

    • If more than one material of the same author are referred, title of the materials should be abbreviated to distinguish it from other materials written by the same author.
    Example: Ayhan, Ticari İşletme, p. 213.
    Ayhan, Kâr Payı, p. 100.

    Contributions to edited books: 

    Name Surname, “Title”, in Editor’s Name (ed./eds.), Book Title, Publisher, Year, Cited Page.
    Example: Hayrettin Çağlar, “Anonim Şirketlerde Pay Sahibinin Şirketle Borç İlişkisi” in Erol Ulusoy (Ed.), Anonim Şirketlerde Bireysel ve Azınlık Pay Sahibi Hakları, Bilge Yayınevi, 2016, p. 143.


    Name Surname, “Title of the Article”, Year, Volume(Number), Title of the Journal, Cited Page.
    Example: Cumhur Şahin, “Hükmün Açıklanmasının Geri Bırakılması Kararına İtirazda İncelemenin Kapsamı”, 2013, 19(2), Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergisi, Prof. Dr. Nur Centel’e Armağan, p. 293.

    • URLs of online resources should be indicated in brackets along with the date of access.
    Example: Neslihan Göktürk, “Türk Hukuku’nda Suçların İçtimaı”, 2014, 2(1-2), Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi, p. 35, <https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/iuchkd/issue/1330/15679> Date accessed 15 Aralık 2020.

    1. • Bibliography

    At the end of the article, there should be a bibliography listing the resources used in the article. The bibliography should be arranged alphabetically with regards to the surnames of the authors and the first line hanging. Moreover, the page range of the articles should be shown.The bibliography first includes the surname of the author, then the first letter of the name. Moreover, the page range of the articles should be shown. 
    The resources in the bibliography should be indicated as follows:

    ExampleAyhan R, Ticarî İşletme Hukuku, 2. Edition, Turhan Kitabevi, 2007.

    Example: Yıldırım A, “Konut ve Çatılı İşyeri Kiralarında Kiracının Güvence Vermesi”, 2015, 64(1), AÜHFD, s. 237-266, <https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/622594> Date accessed 15 December 2020.  
    Example: Şahin C, “Hükmün Açıklanmasının Geri Bırakılması Kararına İtirazda İncelemenin Kapsamı”, 2013, 19(2), Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergisi, Prof. Dr. Nur Centel’e Armağan, s. 283-294. 

  • For detailed information about submitting articles to the Journal, see Ethical Principles and Publication Policy.

• Articles are sent to the journal via e-mail. Articles submitted to the Journal should not have been published or submitted elsewhere to be published. Submittal of the article to our Journal constitutes a commitment by the author.
• Names of the authors, their ORCID numbers, institutions and e-mail addresses should be provided clearly and correctly along with the article.
• Articles can always be sent to the journal. The Editorial Board may decide to publish articles with positive results in the first issue or in the next issue depending on the journal's density.
• It is assumed that the authors have submitted the articles to the Journal after proof-reading and the articles are ready to be published. In the preliminary examination made by the editorial board, the articles with correctable deficiencies are returned to the author for correction. However, manuscripts that do not comply with the scientific (field-based control) criteria and journal rules or that have more than usual spelling mistakes are rejected.
• During the pre-examination of the Editorial Board, the articles are scanned in the plagiarism screening program. Articles that have a maximum similarity rate of 10% (excluding bibliographic materials, quotations and minor resources of 2%) are accepted.
• After the pre-examination phase the articles are sent to two peer reviewers without the name of the author in accordance with the blind review format. An “Article ID” number is given to the articles sent to reviewers. Authors are also informed about this number. Authors can see the review process with the help of article tracking system. Authors are not given information about which referees the article has been sent to.
• If the reviewers demand corrections, the author may amend the article only in reference to these corrections. Following the corrections made by the author, the article may be re-presented to the reviewer as per the reviewers’ wish. If the article is declined by the reviewers; no subsequent reviews are carried out. If the article is declined by one reviewer but accepted by other, then the article will be sent to third reviewer. Declined articles are not sent back to their authors. The author will be informed regarding the circumstance.
• All publishing rights of articles that are accepted to be published, including full-text publication online, but not limited to it, will belong to Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University. Authors are assumed to have transferred these rights to the University and they are not paid any royalties.
